Thursday, May 23, 2019

My Bike Trip - Pittsburgh to Smithton PA

This is the first day of the actual bike trip! I took a bus part way, and then walked, to the bike rental location, The bus was free (for senior citizens!)  I got set up and headed out about 8:55 am.

It was cool-ish, and rained a bit, but then got sunny and humid. I was happy to get to Adele’s B&B in Smithton and take a shower!  

 The ride took longer than I expected, but I stopped a lot to take pictures along the way and to kibitz with locals and other trail riders. One couple I met is on a bike trip from Wash DC to Eugene Oregon!    His blog is at Trans Am Western Express.

The trail crosses a couple nifty RR bridges on this leg. Below is the “Hot Metal Bridge”. The lady in the picture said it was ok for me to take the photo with her in it, but I would have to include that she uses this part of the path to get to work

Here is the last view of Pittsburgh, from the Hot Metal Bridge.

Here is a typical beautiful scene along the path. The greens are the greenest green on the GAP!

Another bridge on the path, near Duquense...